This morning, (at 12 o clock that is, because that is what passes for morning in Corfu, especially on Sundays...) a small, but active group of people was seen in San Rocco. They managed, in just over an hour, to gather up all the rubbish that was lying, discarded all over the square.
Armed with rubbish bags, brooms, a shovel and a little (not much...) good will, they managed to tidy up a part of town that almost everyone visiting the commercial center passes from. There were a few passers-by because the shops were open, it being the last Sunday before Xmas. They stole a few glances, but otherwise went about their way...
At some point one of the immigrants sitting on the park-benches got up and dropped some litter into one of the bags, grabbing the opportunity to say "Goodmorning" to one of the girls sweeping nearby.
They gathered their rubbish-bags into a big pile in the middle of the square for some quick snapshots. Then they loaded them into a car and trailer and drove them to the rubbishtip in Temploni. The Greeks call it the CHYTA (X.Y.T.A.) which stands for Area of Healthwise Burial of Refuse... (I'm sort of making this up as I go along, bear with me...!)
Arriving in Temploni they had the opportunity to witness firsthand the result of Mans passing upon this earth, in all it's glory...but that's a big discussion for another time maybe, as big as the MOUNTAINS of rubbish there...
Who were these people?
It doesn't really matter. Suffice it to say they are people like you! Normal people who smoke or not, who have children or not, who ride bicycles (some more than others...) who may have dropped the occasional piece of litter even (but maybe not, I can't be sure...) Simple people, not perfect, but beautiful. Simple people joined together by one thing. The fact that they have decided to stop being part of the problem and start becoming part of the solution.
You can become one of them too. All that's required is your smile!
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